Shameless plug time, but 1st a confession: I like twitter.. too much. The real-time rolling updates of humor, knowledge and trivia have the ability to completely shred my day. I started recognizing this as a problem a few weeks ago. I needed a way to ensure that I still saw my feed, but didn’t have to feel glued to the real-time nature of it day-in and day-out.
Not finding a solution, I wrote one. It’s called Tweetgest because it digests your twitter feed and sends you an email, either on a schedule you determine, or when the digest gets to a certain size.
I’ve freed myself from my twitter feed, but don’t miss the content because I read it at my leisure. Tweetgest is still under development, the UI is ugly and I have more ideas to implement (sorting options, summaries, maybe some topic analysis, html email vs ascii email (it’s html email only right now), etc.) but it’s functional and useful – or at least I think so 🙂
Feel free to head on over and set yourself up and please spread the word: Tweetgest
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