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Because when you're out on the course, all that's there is your internal monolog

Dollar Store to the Rescue

Gertie is, as you well know, my new bike.  I’ve never raced her before and as such, never had to put a race number on.

This evening while prepping to put her into the bike check tomorrow, I started pondering where to put the number…  this proved to be an issue.

There’s nowhere on the frame that a big race number fits well… So off to the dollar store I went and I have to say, I’m pretty happy with my MacGyver-ing™

  • 2 flexible gel rulers (I was looking for hacksaw blades, but these work and have no risk of marring the frame or seatpost)
  • some black electric tape
  • a few zip ties

This will do for this event, but it has a few issues:

  • the rulers, even taped together, are still a bit flexible
  • the rulers are too wide (tall?) and impinge on the Di2 battery release track

I was thinking that the frame has a hole for a traditional brake set and so utilizing that and maybe a plexiglass sheet could make for a better and less flimsy solution.  For Sunday though, this will definitely do 🙂

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