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Because when you're out on the course, all that's there is your internal monolog

It’s no secret that I love FirstEndurance’s nutrition and supplement products.  I’ve raved about them here a lot.   Recently in my training and racing, especially where I need to carry a lot of calories in a small space, I’ve been doing something new (for me):  I’ve been diluting a couple of flasks of Liquid Shot (400 calories/flask) with water in a water bottle on the bike.

In a 750ml water bottle, the double-flask of liquid shot diluted with water takes on a milk-shake-like consistency that while being easy to pull up through the straw in a aero-bar-mounted drink system (Torhans or the ilke), is thick enough that it doesn’t spray everywhere when you finish drinking from the straw or hit every bump in the road.

This approach also works better than my previous choices (4 scoops of carbo-pro + 4 scoops of EFS drink in water) because it can be difficult to get all that powder to dissolve in water, but EFS Liquid Shot is already liquid form, so diluting it does not present the same sort of challenge.  Also with the high concentration of amino acids and electrolytes in EFS products, I don’t need to worry about carrying salt pills and have never cramped (even in the crazy heat/humidity recently in Panama).

On my run, I still carry a flask of Liquid Shot and EFS drink in my Fuel Belt.  On the bike, especially for long rides where I’m burning about 700calories/hour, having the ability to easily carry 1600-2400 calories of Liquid Shot is a big win!

1 Comment

  1. by Darren Wrigley, on February 25 2012 @ 11:29 am


    i agree 100%. For my last 2 HIM’s i have used a between the aerobar 20oz/600ml bottle with approximately 1,000 calories of EFS Liquid Shot mixed with a little water. I set my bike computer to remind me to drink it, last race at 12min intervals. Worked perfectly – i do the same for my long rides.

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