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No Fish Wha???

A study published in Friday’s issue of the journal Science makes a dire prediction for the world’s ocean life. According to researchers, there will be no seafood left to catch by 2048

WTF!!! So how dire does it have to get before people change their ways?

[Full story from “How Stuff Works” here](

1 Comment

  1. by roben, on November 7 2006 @ 10:15 pm


    If you can convince people that a depletion of the ocean fish will disrupt magnetic currents and interrupt cable signals, internet access and cause espresso frothers to malfunction at Starbucks – maybe they’ll blink a few times. Cynical? Maybe. Sadly accurate? Well…
    I’ve heard the argument that no matter what we do, the earth will recover once it’s killed us. While I believe it’s eventually true I don’t think it makes the devastation okay. So wanna try the 100 mile diet, where you eat and drink way locally? It means no sushi without PetSmart, but every revolution has it’s sacrifices…

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