I’m *SO* glad that finally we’ll get to stop hearing about how hard done by the hockey players are and how greedy the owners are (or vise-versa). The season’s officially dead! Thank the Gods!
A couple of things that really struck me today:
* the press was calling the strike a “labour action”. Lets get this straight. These guys *play* hockey for a living. It’s a *game*. It may be their jobs but I can tell you that the Jr. teams would have *played* in their place for *significantly* less money.
* someone interviewed on the radio today asked if hockey had been a habit or a passion for themselves and had concluded that it was a habit that they didn’t miss now that it was gone.
* movie stars make a lot of money to star in a movie, but, the movie also makes a lot of money with theatre runs, dvd cuttings, etc. Unlike hockey, movies are run as businesses. Who’d have thunk?
It’s time for the NHL to smarten up. Bring up the Jr teams and fire the current “professional” teams. Pay the Jr players a reasonable salary and drop the prices to attend the events. The events will be well attended because they’ll be affordable. Those who make money from the services at the events will be better off. Everybody (except the babies who currently staff the NHL teams) wins!
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